Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

Today was one of those milestone birthdays that puts pressure on a person to feel something that they are not even sure they know how to feel. I felt as though I should feel different or contemplative or have some revelation. Instead I felt the same thing I feel every morning - is there coffee made and where is it? After coffee was successfully placed into my personage, I made my way down to Gig Harbor sans children - now that was a gift! I got to browse through my favorite Borders bookstore and found some of the beautiful British magazines I covet so dearly! There was no going to the kids section and hearing how much they needed yet another Thomas/Cars/Bearnstein Bears book. It was a wonderful break and went a long way to restoring sanity. I made my way back to Silverdale and purchased myself a little fresh fruit tart and some other delights for the family! Then back home for lunch and reality!

Alexandra is feeling way under the weather and there is nothing as pitiful as a sick child. Add autism and an unwillingness to take medicine or receive anything in the way of comfort, and it makes for a long afternoon/evening. I did get a little afternoon reprieve too which was wonderful. I went to Michaels and purchased a few Martha Stewart Christmas things and then to Costco for more basic household items. Again, it was just me and my ipod and it was only playing Kathryn songs! Not a Laurie Berkner to be found!! No offense Laurie!

Back home for a pork feast and then it was all about Alexandra and trying to get her to take comfort! I just got a little visit from my friend Jenna who was brandishing a birthday bag filled with coffee beans and a wonderful travel cup - yeah, she really knows how to make me happy! Now I wind down this day with a feeling that it was not celebrated with the dramatic act called for, yet feeling that it was a pretty good day after all. I wonder what the next year and decade will bring and hope it is just a happy, joy filled time that makes my heart happy and my soul full. Here's to all that is good and pure and real.

And now onto Thanksgiving!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

A New Addition!

Our family has grown!!! We now have a little kitten to add to our little unit! A quick summary. Maddux and Alex - not too happy about it. Daddy and Owen - absolutely beside themselves happy about it. And I am feeling okay about it. In spite of myself, I find myself enjoying the little silly thing. So Ladies and Gentlemen, I give unto you, Jackie Brown!




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Friday, November 7, 2008

Alexandra is a rock star!!

She does like her accessories!!! Or rather, my accessories! She was leaving for therapy on Thursday afternoon and it was pouring down rain. Apparently that meant wearing sunglasses for little Alexandra! SHe has really taken to accessories of late - gloves, hats, scarves! It is kinda nice!

She does like her accessories!!! Or rather, my accesories!

a dozen years and counting!

Happy Anniversary to us! We were married 12 years ago today (Nov 6th) or tomorrow (Nov 7th) depending on who you want to believe. Actually we were married at about 1am on the 7th but the certificate states the 6th. So we cut our losses and celebrate on both days! There are no photos or witnesses to this event that we know of. A French television crew were shooting a documentary about Vegas weddings so perhaps there are a few French people who may have proof of this event. We, on the other hand, have zero images and that was kind of what we were going for. It was a wedding that cost a total of about $150 and we both wore jeans and shirts. No frills, just us saying our vows. We went to Arbys for a burger after the ceremony and then to a casino for a little poker action.

Here is the Candlelight Chapel where the great event took place

We arrived in Vegas after driving cross country from Virginia. We were down to our last few dollars but wanted to do this - I think we both knew that in terms of timing, it was now or never. I had a return ticket to Italy waiting in case we decided against it. When we got to Vegas, we had no idea that staying in a large theme hotel like Treasure Island would probably have been cheaper so we opted for a little crappy piece of shit motel which was directly across from said Treasure Island. Lets just say it was not luxury!! Here then, the lovely Tam O'Shanter motel

As I said, not luxury. In fact, I am not sure calling it the Bates Motel would have made it any less icky. But there we stayed for 3 days. We got to watch the Treasure Island Pirate show about 4 gagillion times and I gotta tell you, it is not that great! The highlight for Eric was the magic fingers 25c bed which made me seasick. The highlight for me was using the swimming pool which registered a temperature of about minus 38 - it was like diving into ice. I took comfort in knowing that nothing from that lovely room could survive that temperature so I made myself get into it daily!!!

After Vegas, we drove to San Diego and started our married life together. 12 years, 2 kids, a dog and many miles and relocations we are still together and thriving. He really is my lobster!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Is tomorrow a school day? Oh thank Heavens!

Trying would be the best way to describe this fine Sunday! Phew, I am tired! Alexandra was at her best today - and by best, of course I mean worst. She seems to be missing her daddy today and what better way to show it, than to make sure Mummy suffers! I am talking destruction and attitude and a whole lot of back talk. I could take no more and sent her to bed at 8pm which is a full hour earlier than normal. It was just safer for all concerned. She bitched and moaned and cried her entire way to the bedroom and then bitched some more once she got there! Now they both sleep and I am enjoying that moment of peace while I can.

A new week awaits and hopefully it will be a week filled with happy!

Halloween Photos

A sampling of our day!

A sampling of our day!